Prayer Request

We know that asking for help can be difficult, so there is no required information. If you would like for SCC to pray for you just fill out the form below and your prayer request will be shared with our congregation and posted in our Prayer Room. You can be assured that if you submit a prayer request we will pray for you.


the prayer request form below


Prayer Room

We are beginning a new ministry at SCC. Starting this fall we are opening a prayer room in the chapel building on the north side of our campus. We will be hosting multiple events in the prayer room as well as allowing it to be open to the public for extemporary prayer times.



Wesley Covenant Prayer service. (WCPS)

Once a month we will be holding a WCPS for all to attend. it will be come as you please and leave when you're ready. There will be multiple stations set up for you to come in and experience. We encourage you to go to each and participate in the full body of the service, however, if there is a specific station you want to stay at you are welcome to do so.

Night shift.

Every quarter we will be hosting a prayer room event that begins at 12am and runs until 6am. These events will prepare us for future 24/7 prayer coverage. We believe that the evening hours are when people need the most prayer and we would love to be that support for our community. This will also be a place that our local first responders are welcome to come in and receive prayer and refreshments during late night runs.

48 hour Prayer-athon.

semi-annually we will be holding a two day prayer marathon. We will be taking sign-ups to cover an entire 48 hour stretch of time. These marathons will happen over the weekend so any of the time slots can be filled by individuals who are working a 9-5 job. Each sign up will be for 1 hour of time. There will be resources available for all people just incase you are not fully comfortable trying to pray for an hour straight.