Stay up-to-date with everything SCC!


This Sunday @ SCC

We are looking forward to another great Sunday of worship as we close out our Advent series "Do You See What I See?" viewing the Nativity through the eyes of the Magi. The fourth and final week of Advent focuses on the love that was on display at the birth of Jesus. We will also have a special treat for everyone after worship!

We have a seat saved for you! #WelcomeHome

Jumpstart @ 10:00 am

       Coffee & Conversation @ 10:30 am

Worship & Kids Experience @ 11:00 am

Wrapped with Love

Our community will be coming together to help the community around us during this Christmas season. Families who need some Christmas assistance can scan the QR code. Our goal is to raise $3,000 to help with this endeavor, if you'd like to give you can do so at under "Wrapped with Love" or cash/check in the Giving Box in the Worship Center (please mark gift "Wrapped with Love").

Special Thanks to Our Community Partners:

Home Bank & Shirt Tales

Carols & Candlelight December 24 @ 5pm

This will be a special time of worship on Christmas Eve as we look at the carols that were sung at the birth of Jesus. We will also reflect on how Christ is not only central to Christmas but should also be central in our lives. 

SCC YTH Overnight Spectacular

Calling all 6th-12th grade students! What better way to close out 2024 than with your friends and games, giveaways, food and much more! REGISTER HERE and don't forget to fill out your waiver for Sky Zone HERE.

Friday Night Fight Night

Each Friday in January from 8-10pm in our Family Life Center, Mercy Base Church and Second Chance Church will join together for times of worship, reflection, communion and prayer.

Children’s Bible Quizzing

If you’d like to support in other ways, the Indy District hosts a QuizMart for the quizzers where they can use earned QuizBucks for snacks. The district is looking for donations of items for the QuizMart.  Here is a link to the Amazon Wish List, where you can order items and have them shipped directly to the district director:


Trauma Reboot will resume in January. Date to be provided.

Trauma didn't break you, it wounded you and wounds can heal. Join us when we restart in January. We will focus on the spiritual aspects of trauma. We are a course - not a support group - providing practical help for everyone struggling to cope with crisis or trauma. You won't find shortcuts or easy answers, but instead you'll discover there is hope after trauma. You can REGISTER HERE for our fall session.

Sunday Jumpstart!

We now have JumpStart for everyone: Adults, Youth and Kids

- Adults will meet in the Connection Room
- Youth will meet in the Green Room
- Kids will meet in the Family Life Center

If you feel like coming to discuss scripture or just a church “Pre-Game,” we would love for you to attend with us!

Women’s Bible Study

The Women’s Bible Stude will resume on Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Meetings are held every Tuesday evening at the Family Life Center, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Snacks and water will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own food and beverages.

The group is examining the book of Ephesians and delving into "Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice" authored by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger. Available through Amazon.

Please direct any questions to Pastor Tammie George (

Kingdom Men

Kingdom Men will resume on January 15, 2025

Designed for all men 16+ in any stage of life who are seeking to become and train the next generation of “Kingdom Men”. For more info, please contact Scott George |

Junction 149

SCC Kids will now be known as Junction 149! Make sure and mark your calendars for October 13 as we launch JumpStart Kids as part of this new vision of our kid’s ministry.

JumpStart Kids | 10am

Junction 149 | 11am

SCC Student Ministry

Students in 6th-12th grade meet in the Family Life Center from 5-7pm! Join us for some fun, games, food and most importantly, learning about Jesus in the most practical ways!